This Is Precisely What Jennifer Aniston Eats in a Day


Jennifer Aniston diet

Jennifer Aniston is one of those celebrities who inspire never-ending intrigue; novels could be written about the minutiae of her everyday life. One of the things many people are curious about is how the Friends star maintains her incredible figure. From her health and wellness routine to exactly what she eats in a typical day, we want to know (and then copy) anything and everything Jennifer Aniston does to look so incredibly good. In addition to meditating, practicing yoga (for over a decade), washing her face every night, and applying Aveeno Absolutely Ageless Restorative Night Cream before bed, Aniston sticks to a super-healthy diet, as chronicled below.


breakfast ideas

“When I wake up, I have warm lemon water and then I have a shake or avocado and eggs, which is one of my favorites,” Aniston told Elle magazine. “I sprinkle a little coconut oil on that. Sometimes, I’ll have a puffed millet cereal with a banana or I’ll do oatmeal with an egg white whipped in at the end.”

Apparently, the egg white addition came courtesy of her former partner Justin Theroux when they were together. “[He] taught me that little move to get extra protein!” she explains. “Right before [the oatmeal] is finished cooking, you just whip in an egg white and it kind of gives it this fluffy texture that’s delicious.”

Another one of Aniston’s go-to breakfasts? A smoothie, and luckily, she let Well + Good in on her favorite recipe so you can replicate it yourself at home. Aniston’s smoothie always includes “some sort of pure protein, then bananas, blueberries, frozen cherries, stevia, a vegetable mix of dynamic greens that goes in there, maca powder, and a little cacao,” she says.

Lunch and Dinner

lunch ideas

Aniston keeps it simple for both lunch and dinner, opting for “some form of vegetables or salad with protein—pretty basic.” Her dinner is “probably the same,” though she’s been known to mix it up with a chicken burger wrapped in lettuce.


Even Jennifer Aniston gets hungry between meals, and she has some failsafe snacks to satisfy her hunger and keep her diet on track. Snacking consists of “maybe an apple and almond butter or just an apple and some nuts.” She also likes cut raw vegetables and hard-boiled eggs, which she keeps in her fridge as staples in case the munchies strike.


pasta dinner

While Mexican food used to be her vice, Aniston can’t resist a good plate of pasta when it comes time to indulge now. “Pasta has taken over as my new favorite go-to-town food,” Aniston says, again crediting Theroux. “Yes, he has brought the pasta back into my life. I don’t know whether I should thank him or hate him for that.” She especially loves a good carbonara, which she insists is “not that bad for you!” The actress makes it per Theroux’s instruction with an egg, parmesan cheese, a little pasta water, and bacon. Delicious.

Another Italian classic Aniston can’t get enough of is pizza—she even has her own pizza oven! The actress loves having friends over for a DIY pizza night, and because you can’t have pizza and pasta without it, she of course loves wine. Aniston also has a glass-encased wine room at her house (cue the jealousy).

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