Tag: Health
"Cave Syndrome" May Be the Reason for Your Post-Pandemic Anxiety
Finally, we’re starting to see the light at the end of one very long, dark tunnel. After more than a year of ...11 Evidence-Based Tips for Mental and Physical Longevity
Living a long and healthy life is a goal for most people. Still, the path to mental and physical longevity can be ...Is Your Eye Constantly Twitching These Days? This Is Why
Have you ever been sitting there, just minding your own business, only for your eye to start twitching like mad? Believe it ...QQ: Why Is My Period So Light?
Most people who menstruate will experience some sort of irregularity in their flow at one time or another, but more often than ...The Silent Expectations of Motherhood—And Why Pleasure Is an Essential Part of Wellbeing
I remember laying out in the sun as a teenager, lemon in my hair, thumbing through magazines—blissfully unaware these quiet, uninterrupted hours ..."Pandemic Exhaustion" Is Real—Here's How to Boost Your Energy
It’s important to acknowledge simply existing through a global pandemic has been really tiresome. That’s a given. If you found yourself with ...6 Fertility Myths OB/GYNs Want You to Stop Believing
There’s a barrage of information about fertility. Depending on who you follow, your social media feeds are probably overflowing with people are ...Here's When to See a Doctor About Menstrual Blood Clots
Among the women’s health topics that don’t get enough attention, menstrual blood clots are an important one. Many women experience menstrual blood ...How to Prepare to Freeze Your Eggs, According to Fertility Experts
On Christmas Eve (2020, obviously), my egg-freezing doctor called with bad news. “Your AMH levels are low,” she said. “Any lower, and ...Excessive Facial Hair Growth Could Be Hirsutism—Here's What You Need to Know
Have you been noticing more hair growth on your face and body lately? Perhaps you’ve chalked it up to the pandemic and ...