3 DIY Masks to Target an Oily T-Zone


Warmer weather is here, and we want to talk oil—not the kinds that are having a moment (à la grape seed, coconut, and tea tree), but the more annoying varieties that (quite aggressively) attack our forehead, nose, and chin with alarmingly little restraint.


Watch Now: 3 DIY Masks to Target an Oily T-Zone

Summer is all about embracing a more natural approach to beauty. It’s the perfect time to accept (and flaunt!) the natural bend in your hair, the curves that your mama gave you, and those freckles that pop up three seconds after being out in the sun. But somehow flaunting an oily T-zone (which is every bit as natural and inevitable as those adorable freckles, BTW) isn’t quite as enticing. Luckily, there are plenty of all-natural skin savers that will help control oil and nix summer greasiness once and for all. Even better? These all-star ingredients can be combined to create oil-fighting (and quite possibly magical) elixirs right at home! Keep scrolling to get all the (not-so-dirty) details!

Honey, glass bowl of yogurt, sliced cucumber, and bottle of aloe vera

Aloe Vera, Cucumber, Yogurt, and Honey

Why it works: We all know that aloe is a skin-saving all-star and that it boasts incredible antimicrobial and reparative properties. But did you know that the plant can also aid in oil absorption? Paired with skin-soothing cucumbers (which are high in vitamins such as A and E), the lactic acid found in yogurt (of the plain variety!), which helps exfoliate skin and absorb excess oil, and honey (which naturally moisturizes and de-clogs pores), the powers of aloe reach an oil-fighting high.

How to make it: Extract the gel from an aloe leaf (a store-bought gel works too) and blend with a handful of sliced cucumbers (refrigerate beforehand for an extra cooling effect!). Next, add equal parts honey and yogurt (about one tablespoon works) and apply to a clean, pre-washed faced. Veg out (pun totally intended) and relax for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Tip: For extra-oily skin, try a more concentrated version with just the honey and aloe. Let the paste sit on your skin for 15 minutes, and then rinse.

Eggs, sliced cucumbers, mint, and half of a lemon

Cucumber, Egg White, Lemon Juice, and Mint

Why it works: As mentioned, cucumbers are heroic when it comes to soothing skin; they’re incredibly cooling and also an oil-busting astringent, so there’s a reason they’re seen on eyes more than salads! Combined with egg whites, which tone and tighten skin (thanks to vitamin A), and lemon juice, which contains citric acid (a great and less harsh astringent that helps balance your skin’s pH and even skin tone), this concoction is a shiny complexion’s worst enemy.

How to make it: Simply puree half of a (thoroughly washed) cucumber, one egg white, and one teaspoon each of lemon juice and freshly chopped mint. Apply the mixture to your face, relax, and blissfully inhale the spa-like scent for up to 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, followed by a douse of cold water.

Tip: Refrigerate the pureed mixture for 10 to 15 minutes before application for a seriously cooling and extra-indulgent treat.

Bottle of honey and apple

Apple and Honey

Why it works: Fruits naturally have countless skin-loving acids, vitamins, minerals, and oils—and apples are one of the best when it comes to an oily complexion. Chock-full of AHA (including glycolic acid, which is found in many pricey, store-bought acne fighters), the fruit gently exfoliates and thoroughly cleanses the clogged pores that are responsible for oily summer skin. That, combined with bacteria and germ-killing honey, means excess sebum doesn’t stand a chance.

How to make it: Puree one half of a clean, medium-sized apple (make sure to remove any seeds!) and then combine one tablespoon of raw (preferably organic) honey. Stir well. Evenly apply to face, and let sit until the mixture has completely dried (between 10 and 15 minutes). Wash off with warm water, and pat dry.

Tip: Craving another apple option? Swap out the honey for plain Greek yogurt and lemon juice.

Keep scrolling for our top (store-bought) formulas that will zap unwanted shine ASAP!

Zero Oil Deep Pore Cleanser

Black Charcoal Blotting Linens

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